Sunday, November 13, 2005

What's happening now

I have been lax in chronicling the events that happened in recent months. After the incident at the moathouse, we have been traveling much. Much of our time we spent in Verbobonc. Politics, it seems, is a multiversal constant. We repeated the same story over and over. We then traveled to the Wild Coast to talk to one Dame Gold--a name I've heard before but cannot place. Apparently, she had some interesting information.

A successful merchant, Ms. Gold has heard strange reports from the captains of her merchant ships. It seems that the normally chaotic Pomarj--a peninsula southeast of Hommlet--has been abandoned. Raiding ships from the humanoid dominated nation disappeared entirely. One captain ventured into a port town. Not a single living soul remained. Since, other captains have ventured into other towns and cities. No trace of its citizens remain. No one has ventured further than twenty leagues inland. It is possible the inhabitants have moved inland, but why? Perhaps they, too, are experiencing problems with this invading army. If so, then the invaders are not discriminating between good and evil nations. I find this disturbing, as does the central kingdoms of Veluna, Furyondy, and the free cities of Dyvers and Greyhawk.

For me, things have gotten stranger. Today, while skirting around the northern edge of the Gnarley Forest (the Sylvan Elves within do not care for strangers, even in times of emergency), I saw something odd in my journal:


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
<meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="true" />

<meta name="generator" content="Blogger" />
<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="Hommlet" href="" />
<link rel="" type="application/atom+xml" title="John Carter" href="" />
<link rel="EditURI" type="application/rsd+xml" title="RSD" href="" />
<style type="text/css">

"What the hells language is that?" Anna asked me. I knew it very well, as did every browser back on Earth.

"HTML," I said.

"Uh huh," she said doubtfully. "And who speaks that?"

"It's not a spoken language," I said. "It's a computer language."

"Computers," Marc said. "As in people who compute numbers? Such as accountants?"

"Not exactly," I said. I spent the next hour explaining to my friends what computers were in my world, which led to an explanation of the internet. I then spent time explaining economic systems, political parties (a bit tedious, frankly, and we skipped this quickly), the nations of the world, and eventually I had to explain how we could travel to any point in the world in a day via airplanes.

"The concord was supersonic," I said. "It could go half way around the world in a few hours."

"Supersonic?" Saul asked. This led to discussions of physics. About the time I was going off on Einstein and relativity, Audry spoke up.

"Your people sound like gods," she said.

"Well, we weren't," I said. "We have the same flaws as anyone else."

"You mean as any human," Anna said, stroking her pointed ears. Saul smiled at the comment. I often forgot they were elves.

For the rest of the evening I talked about my world. Anna asked about how men and women "got a long," as she put it. Audry asked about the world's religions. Marc pressed me for information on the machines of my world and how the various devices in my backpack were made. At some point we went on to discussions about mass communication, orbital satellites, and space travel. Eventually, Saul asked about the military. I talked about tanks and aircraft, about Apache helicopters. I talked about cruise missiles...and eventually nuclear weapons.

"You lived in a terrifying world," Audry said. The conversation died off at that point.

Everyone else is asleep. We managed to reach a small town before nightfall and found an inn with rooms available. Sleeping on the ground for days on end in unpleasant. Frankly, being an adventurer isn't all that great. You spend most of your time cold and hungry, and often times terrified.

Saul snores in his bunk while I write. At some point, the lamp ran out of oil. I got up to try and find some, when I realized I could still read the journal, even in the pitch black room. I laid in bed and continued writing.

At this point, I'm starting to understand what this journal really is. You see, I found this in the moathouse. It was blank, but it had a magical dweomer about it (according to Marc). He said he had seen something like this before. What I wrote in this journal would be duplicated in another journal. It was a means of communication with someone across a great distance. I smiled. It reminded me of something out of Terry Goodkind's books.

I kept the journal in case anyone tried to communicate with us. My hope was that we could learn more about who was behind the moathouse--for it turned out to be just an outpost. I suspected the temple of elemental evil. At that point, I had informed them of the game Dungeons and Dragons earlier. It disturbed them when I said that the game had maps of the moathouse. It led to some philosophical introspection about reality and dreams.

I admitted that things were happening differently. While some people were in the adventure (Rufus, Burne, and Ostler), some things were not. I didn't remember any of them, for instance. In fact, I was certain they were not in the adventure at all. Further, the invading army was not part of the adventure either. In fact, as I remembered it, the adventure was not overly complicated. Go in, kill the monsters, and get out. And I didn't remember everything. It had been many years since I had been through the adventure.

At any rate, I managed to convince Verbobonc to send a contingent to the location of the temple. They were reluctant, indicating that the cult in question had been defeated many years ago, but they relented.

Regarding the journal, Marc eventually did some more thorough divinations into what it was. To his surprise, it was not "connected" to any other journal. He did sense that it had a connection to something, but he couldn't make out what. He was certain that it was not something found in this world. Writing in it wouldn't result in writing in any other journal. It was useless, really, except for the preservation magics cast upon it. I thought of selling it to pick up a few gold, but instead I found myself writing in it. After all, as great as an adventure as this, I should keep a record of it, right?

It was after I saw the HTML code I began to suspect where else my exploits were being recorded. It was something in the code itself: a link to Having been interested in blogs myself, I knew exactly what this was. Therefore, I suspect this is all being put out on the internet back home.

But how?

In my limited understanding of magic, it seems that it works the opposite of computer programming back home (of which I am familiar with). You see, in programming, the code does what you tell it--no more, no less. Magic seems to work in a more general way. It will do basically what you want. It almost seems smart enough to fill in the holes of logic. For example, there is a spell that protects a wizard from people with evil intent. Interestingly, the spell can determine this quite easily. It would be nearly impossible to do this with computer languages. I mean, what makes a person evil? There are so many factors in human behavior that cannot be easily predicted that it would be an exercise in frustration. For magic, it is a simple matter. In fact, it is one of the simplest spells in existence. It is one of the first spells mages learn.

Somehow, the magic in the journal must have detected my connection to my home world. It must have "reprogrammed" itself (for lack of a better world) and began duplicating what was written into it on to the internet. Perhaps my connection with computer programming had something to do with it. The magic of the book read my mind, or something similar, and created a place where it could duplicate my writing.

Searching back and forth through my journal I've found little pieces of code here and there. I imagine it has been posting my writing to the internet since I started writing in it. I wonder how many people are reading this, and I wonder if there is a way for me to allow them to communicate with me. Perhaps e-mails would do it? But how would I set that up from here?

Something to think about.

At any rate, if I am communicating with my world then I owe it to them to tell my story completely. I will continue recording events here for as long as I am able. No one will believe me, of course. They will write me off as some obsessive D&D fanboy. Fine. Then accept my journal as an entertaining piece of fiction. I know it is real, and that is all that matters.

In spite of Saul's snoring, I'll try to get some sleep. We received word while at Dame Gold's home from Rufus and Burne that they needed us to return immediately. Something was happening that they didn't want to discuss in a letter that could be intercepted.

I just know the temple of elemental evil is involved. It has to be.